
Vegan Tomato Cream Pasta
This vegan tomato cream pasta is super rich and creamy! But unlike many vegan cream sauces that use cashews as the base, this sauce is actually made with silken TOFU.
With silken tofu, you get the same smooth and creamy texture, but with less fat and calories. And more protein too! So, if you’re looking for a healthier alternative to a vegan cream pasta, give this recipe a try.
It’s a very quick and easy recipe! 15 minutes is all you need to make the sauce.
Ingredients You Need
Here’s a list of the ingredients you will need to make this vegan tomato cream pasta.
- pasta of choice
- silken tofu
- vegan butter
- garlic
- onion
- tomato purée (tomato sauce)
- tomato paste
- nutritional yeast
- Italian seasoning
- red pepper flakes
- dry oregano
- dry basil
- salt
- pepper
- maple/agave syrup
for topping
- vegan parmesan
- fresh basil
- red pepper flakes
A detailed recipe with measurements is in the recipe card below.
How To Make Vegan Tomato Cream Pasta
A detailed recipe is in the recipe card at the bottom of this post, but let me give you a quick overview of the process. From start to finish, it takes about 20 minutes.
Cook the pasta according to instructions on the package.
While the pasta is cooking, heat vegan butter in a pan, and sauté garlic and onion until it starts to brown.
Add silken tofu and tomato purée to a food processor or blender, and blend until smooth. Transfer the mixture to the pan with the cooked garlic and onion.

Add the rest of the ingredients, and simmer until the sauce thickens, and the flavors come together.
Add the cooked pasta to the pan, and stir to combine.

Plate and garnish with vegan parmesan cheese, fresh basil, and red chili pepper. Enjoy!

Looking for other vegan pasta options?
Thank you for visiting my blog! If you made this recipe, or any other recipes of mine, be sure to tag me @veganesetokyo on Instagram and use the hashtag #veganesetokyo. I would love to see your creations❤️
Vegan Tomato Cream Pasta
- 400 grams pasta of choice
- 2 tbsp vegan butter
- 1 white onion diced
- 4 cloves garlic minced
- 300 grams silken tofu
- 2 tbsp tomato paste
- 400 grams tomato purée
- 3 tbsp nutritional yeast
- 1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
- 1/2 tsp Italian seasoning
- 1/2 tsp dry oregano
- 1/2 tsp dry basil
- 1 tsp maple or agave syrup
- salt to taste
- vegan parmesan
- fresh basil
- red pepper flakes
- Cook the pasta according to instructions on the package.
- Heat vegan butter in a pan, and sauté the onion and garlic on medium-low heat for 5 minutes, until it starts to brown.
- Add the silken tofu and tomato purée to a food processor or blender, and blend until smooth. Transfer the mixture to the pan with the cooked onion and garlic.
- Add the rest of the ingredients to the sauce, and simmer for 5 minutes until the flavors blend.
- Add the cooked pasta to the sauce, and stir to combine.
- Plate and garnish with fresh basil, vegan parmesan cheese, and red pepper flakes. Enjoy!


- お好みのパスタ 4人前 / 400g
- ヴィーガンバター 大さじ2
- 玉ねぎ、みじん切り 1個
- ニンニク、みじん切り 4片
- 絹ごし豆腐 300g
- トマトペースト 大さじ2
- トマトピューレ 400g
- ニュートリショナルイースト 大さじ3
- 唐辛子フレーク 小さじ1/2
- イタリアンソルト 小さじ1/2
- ドライオレガノ 小さじ1/2
- ドライバジル 小さじ1/2
- メープルシロップ 小さじ1 又はアガベシロップ
- 塩 適量
- フレッシュバジル
- ヴィーガンパルメザンチーズ 詳細は下部に
- 唐辛子フレーク
- パスタを表記通りに茹でる。
- フライパンにヴィーガンバターを熱し、玉ねぎとニンニクを中火で5分炒める。
- 絹ごり豆腐とトマトピューレをフードプロセッサーかミキサーで攪拌する。なめらかになったら、(2)のフライパンに移す。
- 残りの材料を全て加えて、5分弱火で煮込む。
- (1)パスタを加えて、混ぜ合わせたら出来上がりです。
- トッピングにはフレッシュバジル、ヴィーガンパルメザンチーズ、唐辛子フレークなどをかけてお召し上がりください。