Looking for a delicious and healthy plant-based meal? Check out our vegan lentil chili recipe! Packed with protein and fiber, this hearty chili is the ultimate comfort food. Try it out today and enjoy a warm, comforting bowl of goodness!

Vegan Lentil Chili
What’s not to love? It’s flavorful, nourishing, warm and cozy…AND it’s so simple to make. Throw all the ingredients in a pot, cook for 20-30 minutes and done! It really doesn’t get any easier than that. I usually make a big pot, and enjoy the leftovers over a couple of days. Let’s add economical and efficient to the list of why chili is so great!

Give this vegan lentil chili a try and you might just find that it becomes a staple in your recipe collection. Enjoy!
A detailed recipe is in the recipe card at the bottom of this post.
Looking for other vegan comfort foods?
Thank you for visiting my blog! If you made this recipe, or any other recipes of mine, be sure to tag me @veganesetokyo on Instagram and use the hashtag #veganesetokyo. I would love to see your creations❤️
Vegan Lentil Chili
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 1 white onion diced
- 4 cloves garlic diced
- 2 tbsp chili powder or more for added spiciness
- 1 tbsp ground cumin
- 1 tsp dried oregano
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1 tsp smoked paprika
- 15 grams vegan chocolate dark
- 1 15 ounce can diced tomatoes
- 2 tbsp tomato paste
- 2 1/2 cup vegetable stock
- 3/4 cup dry red lentils
- 1 15 ounce can kidney beans drained
- 1 15 ounce can black beans drained
- 1 15 ounce can corn drained
- 1 tbsp maple syrup
- 1/2 tbsp soy sauce
- 2 tsp liquid smoke optional
Topping Suggestions
- chopped cilantro
- diced red onions
- vegan sour cream
- jalapeño slices
- Heat olive oil in a large pot, and cook the onion and garlic for 2 minutes. Add vegetable stock and the rest of the ingredients to the pot.
- Bring to a boil. Once boiling, lower the heat to a simmer and cover the pot. Cook for 20~25 minutes, or until the lentils are tender.
- Serve chili with your choice of toppings, along with some rice, pasta, bread or all on its own. Enjoy!
- オリーブオイル 大さじ2
- 玉ねぎ、角切り 1個
- ニンニク、みじん切り 4片
- チリパウダー 大さじ4
- クミンパウダー 大さじ1
- オレガノ 小さじ1
- シナモン 小さじ1
- スモークパプリカ 小さじ1
- ヴィーガンチョコレート、ダーク 15g
- カットトマト缶 1缶(400g)
- トマトペースト 大さじ2
- 野菜ストック(出汁) 2.5カップ
- 乾燥レンズ豆 2/3カップ
- キドニービーンズ、水切り 1缶(400g)
- ブラックビーンズ、水切り 1缶(400g)
- コーン、ホール 1缶(200g)
- メープルシロップ 大さじ1
- 醤油 大さじ1/2
- リキッドスモーク 小さじ2 無くてもOK
- パクチー
- 赤オニオン
- スライスハラペーニョ
- ヴィーガンクリームチーズ
- 大きめの鍋にオリーブオイルを熱し、玉ねぎとニンニクを2分炒める。野菜ストックと残りの材料を全て加えて、沸騰させる。
- 蓋をして、弱火で20〜25分煮込む。レンズ豆が柔らかくなったら出来上がり。
- お好みのトッピングと、ライス、パンまたはパスタと一緒にお召し上がりください!