The PERFECT spring salad with strawberries, walnuts, avocados and leafy greens. With a basil vinaigrette dressing, this strawberry salad is bursting with sweet and savory flavors!

Strawberry Salad with Basil Vinaigrette
This vibrant strawberry salad with basil vinaigrette is one of my favorite salads in spring and early summer. It has juicy sweet strawberries, creamy avocados, crunchy walnuts, savory vegan cheese, zesty radishes and lots of crispy leafy greens. Basically, it has everything I want in a salad.
Basil Vinaigrette
What makes or breaks a salad is the dressing, right? Well, this basil vinaigrette is so delicious, it perfectly compliments all the ingredients in this salad. In fact, I love this vinaigrette so much, I usually make a big batch and use it for recipes other than salads. It makes a great dip, a spread, or a sauce!

Thank you for visiting my blog! If you made this recipe, or any other recipes of mine, be sure to tag me @veganesetokyo on Instagram and use the hashtag #veganesetokyo. I would love to see your creations❤️
Strawberry Salad with Basil Vinaigrette
Basil Vinaigrette
- 1 cup basil leaves tightly packed
- 1 shallot chopped
- 1 clove garlic
- 1/2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
- 1/4 tsp maple syrup
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
- 1/4 cup grape seed oil can be subbed with extra virgin olive oil
Strawberry Salad
- 1 cup strawberries sliced
- 1/2 cup walnuts roughly chopped
- 1 avocado pitted and diced
- 1/4 cup vegan cheese
- 5 cups mixed leafy greens
- 3 radishes thinly sliced
Make the basil vinaigrette
- Add all the ingredients for the basil vinaigrette in a food processor and blend until smooth.
Assemble the salad
- Place the leafy greens, radishes and walnuts in a large bowl. Drizzle 1~2 tbsp of the basil vinaigrette and toss to combine. Adjust the amount of vinaigrette to taste. (Store the rest of the vinaigrette in the fridge, it will last for a week)
- Add the strawberries, avocados, and vegan cheese. Gently toss to combine.
- Serve immediately. Enjoy!
- 生バジルの葉 1カップ
- シャロット 1個 または玉ねぎ 1/8個
- ニンニク 1片
- メープルシロップ 小さじ1/4
- アップルサイダービネガー 大さじ1/2 またはリンゴ酢
- 塩 小さじ1/4
- チリフレーク 小さじ1/4
- グレープシードオイル 1/4カップ
- 苺、スライス 1/2カップ
- くるみ 1/4カップ
- アボカド 1/2個
- ベビーリーフ 3カップ
- ラディッシュ、スライス 1〜2個
- ヴィーガンチーズ 20g BEYOND TOFUのキューブタイプが合います
- 材料を全てフードプロセッサーに入れて攪拌する。
- 粗く刻んだクルミとベビーリーフをボウルに入れて、バジルドレッシングを大さじ1かけて混ぜ合わせる。
- 一口大にカットしたアボカド、苺、ラデッシュとヴィーガンチーズを加えて、軽く混ぜる。
- お皿に盛り、お好みでバジルドレッシングを足して下さい。残ったドレッシングは野菜のディップやパン、パスタのソースにオススメです。