This savory vegan French toast is flavored with cheese and rosemary. It’s golden crisp on the outside, soft and fluffy on the inside. If you enjoy French toasts, this savory version is a must-try!

Savory French Toast
This savory vegan French toast is my new favorite breakfast food! If you know anything about me, you know how much I love French toasts! In fact, I post vegan breakfast foods every day on my Instagram Stories, and French toast makes a frequent appearance there. And of all the recipes I’ve made, this savory version is for sure one of the tastiest!
Type of bread to use
Just like with traditional sweet French toast, the best type of vegan bread to use for this recipe is one that is sturdy and slightly stale. Breads like Brioche, French Baguette, or Sourdough. And it’s best to use bread that is a day or two old. My personal favorite is thickly sliced Baguettes.
Ingredients you will need
Other than bread, the ingredients you need for this recipe are all fairly basic:
- Vegan butter
- Nondairy milk
- Tapioca Starch
- Nutritional Yeast
- Onion Powder
- Salt and back pepper
- Rosemary
Ingredient Notes
For nondairy milk, I use soy milk. However, any other plant-based milk will work. Just be sure to use unsweetened, unflavored kind.
Tapioca starch helps create the crispy outside. If you don’t have tapioca starch, it can be subbed with cornstarch, or even potato starch.
I use dry rosemary for this recipe. If you prefer to use fresh rosemary, finely chop the leaves (about 1 tsp) and add it to the batter.
How to serve savory French toast
They taste great on their own, but you could further elevate this dish with different toppings. The topping options are endless! Try sautéed mushrooms, roasted tomatoes, sliced avocados, vegan parmesan cheese… Basically, any savory topping would compliment this French toast.
Thank you for visiting my blog! If you made this recipe, or any other recipes of mine, be sure to tag me @veganesetokyo on Instagram and use the hashtag #veganesetokyo. I would love to see your creations❤️
Savory French Toast
- 1 tbsp vegan butter
- 4 slices bread sturdy, day-old bread
- 1 cup soy milk or any other plant-based milk
- 1 1/2 tbsp tapioca starch can be subbed with cornstarch
- 2 tsp nutritional yeast
- 1/2 tsp onion powder
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1/4 tsp black pepper
- 1/4 tsp dry rosemary
Topping Suggestion
- sautéed mushrooms
- parmesan cheese
- avocado slices
- tomatoes
- Mix all the batter ingredients in a bowl. Set aside.
- Place bread slices in a shallow dish, and pour the batter over the bread. Soak each slice for about 1 minute. Be sure not to over-soak, for it might fall apart.
- Heat vegan butter in a pan and add the bread. Cook on medium for 2 minutes on each side, until golden brown.
- Serve while warm with your favorite savory toppings. Enjoy!
- パン 4枚 フランスパンの様な硬めのパンがベスト
- ヴィーガンバター 大さじ1
- 豆乳 1カップ
- タピオカ粉 大さじ1.5 無ければコーンスターチでもOK
- ニュートリショナルイースト 小さじ2
- オニオンパウダー 小さじ1/2
- 塩 小さじ1/4
- 黒コショウ 1/4
- ドライローズマリー 小さじ1/4
- マッシュルームのソテー
- ローストトマト
- ヴィーガンパルメザンチーズ
- アボカドのスライス
- つけ液の材料を全てボウルに入れて混ぜる。
- パンを平たい容器に入れ、つけ液をかける。つける時間は一枚1分。
- フライパンにヴィーガンバターを熱し、パンを焼く。片面2〜3分焼き、焼き色がついたら出来上がり。
- お好みのトッピングをのせお召し上がりください!