These homemade Vegan Sausages are incredibly flavorful and quite meaty in texture! No need to buy expensive and (sometimes) hard-to-find commercial vegan sausages. Here’s my easy-to-follow recipe for delicious homemade sausage links!

Homemade Vegan Sausages
What I love about these vegan sausages are that A) they are quite easy to make, with a prep time of about 30 minutes!
And B) they are very versatile. You can serve them as breakfast sausages with your favorite tofu scramble. Or, in a bun with all the toppings for a yummy hotdog. You could even cut them into smaller pieces and add them to your favorite sausage dish. Sausage casserole, anyone?
So, I suggest you make a big batch (they store well in the freezer) and always have these delicious homemade vegan sausages on hand.
Ingredients You Need
Here is a list of the ingredients you will need to make vegan sausages.
- vital wheat gluten
- canned beans
- vegan mince
- onions
- shiitake mushrooms
- garlic
- nutritional yeast
- onion powder
- smoked paprika
- cumin
- fennel seeds
- salt
- pepper
- vegan Worcestershire sauce
- tomato paste
- maple syrup
- olive oil
A detailed recipe with measurements is in the recipe card below.

Ingredient Notes
Vital wheat gluten – the key ingredient for these moist, meaty sausages is vital wheat gluten, the same ingredient used to make Seitan. In Japan, wheat gluten 小麦グルテン is available in the cake baking section of some supermarkets, or online. I bought this brand (pictured below) on Amazon.

Beans – I used canned white beans (Cannellini beans) in my recipe, but other types of beans you could use are chickpeas, pinto, or black beans.
Vegan mince – I tried vegan minced meat from OmniMeat and Naturli’, and they both worked well for this sausage recipe. In Japan, both are available online at Tengu Natural Foods.
Vegan Worcestershire sauce – can be subbed with soy sauce.
How To Make Vegan Sausages
A detailed recipe is in the recipe card at the bottom of this post, but let me give you a quick overview of the process. It is a 4-step process:
Step 1: Prepare the veggies
Heat oil in a pan, and sauté the minced onion, garlic and mushrooms. Add the seasonings and cook until fragrant.
Step 2: Blend the beans
Add the canned beans, drained and rinsed, to a food processor and blend until smooth.
Step 3: Form the sausage
Add the sautéed veggies, beans, vital wheat gluten, and vegan mince to a large bowl and mix to combine.

Form sausages and warp them in parchment paper or aluminum foil.

Step 4: Cook the sausage
Steam the sausages in a steamer for 35 minutes. Let the sausages cool for 5 minutes, as they firm up. You can serve them immediately, or pan-fry them for added texture.

How To Store
Store cooked sausages in an airtight container for up to 5 days in the fridge. To store them in the freezer, make sure to steam the sausages first, then place them in an airtight container. They can be stored up to 2 months.
Thank you for visiting my blog! If you made this recipe, or any other recipes of mine, be sure to tag me @veganesetokyo on Instagram and use the hashtag #veganesetokyo. I would love to see your creations❤️
Vegan Sausages
- oil for cooking
- 1/2 onion minced
- 1/2 cup shiitake mushrooms minced
- 2 cloves garlic minced
- 1 can 15-ounce Cannellini beans, drained and rinsed can be subbed with pinto or black beans
- 120 grams vital wheat gluten
- 180 grams vegan mince
Seasonings and Spices
- 2 tbsp nutritional yeast
- 2 tsp onion powder
- 1 tsp smoked paprika
- 1 tsp cumin
- 1 tsp fennel seeds
- 1 1/2 tbsp vegan Worcestershire sauce can be subbed with low sodium soy sauce
- 1 tbsp maple syrup
- 1 tbsp tomato paste or ketchup
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp black pepper
- Heat oil in a pan, and cook the onions, garlic and mushrooms on medium heat for 3 minutes. Turn heat to low, and add all of the seasonings and spices. Cook for 2 more minutes until fragrant. Set aside.
- Add Cannellini beans to a food processor and blend until smooth. If difficult to blend, add 1/2 tbsp of water. Transfer to a large bowl.
- Add the sautéed veggies, vital wheat gluten, and vegan mince to the bowl. Mix by hand to combine all the ingredients well. (No need to knead the mixture, just combine well)
- Mold the mixture into sausages. Wrap each sausage loosely in parchment paper or aluminum foil, and twist the ends like a candy wrapper. Be sure not to wrap too tightly, as the sausages need some room to expand.
- Place the sausages in a steamer and steam for 35 minutes. Let them cool for 5 minutes before removing them from the wrapping.
- You can serve them immediately, or cook them in a pan or grill for added texture and crisp. Enjoy!

小麦グルテン スーパーのお菓子材料のコーナーやオンラインで買えます。

白インゲン豆 ひよこ豆やブラックビーンズでも代用可能です。使う豆は缶詰の水煮が便利です。
ヴィーガンミンチ OmniMeat か Naturli のミンチがオススメです。どちらもAlishan のオンラインショップで買えます。
野菜 玉ねぎ、椎茸、ニンニク
スパイス スモークパプリカ、クミン、フェンネルシード、オニオンパウダー、ニュートリショナルイースト、塩、胡椒
ソース トマトペースト(又はケチャップ)、ウスターソース、メープルシロップ
- オリーブオイル 適量
- 玉ねぎ、みじん切り 1/2個
- 椎茸、みじん切り 1/2カップ
- ニンニク、みじん切り 2片
- 白インゲン豆(水煮) 1 缶、425g ひよこ豆でもOK
- 小麦グルテン 120g
- ヴィーガンミンチ 180g
- スモークパプリカ 小さじ1
- クミンパウダー 小さじ1
- オニオンパウダー 小さじ2
- ニュートリショナルイースト 大さじ2
- フェンネルシード 小さじ1
- ウスターソース 大さじ1.5 醤油でもOK
- メープルシロップ 大さじ1
- トマトペースト 大さじ1 ケチャップでもOK
- 塩 小さじ1/2
- コショウ 小さじ1/2
- フライパンにオリーブオイルを敷き、玉ねぎ、椎茸、ニンニクを中火で3分炒める。スパイスとソースを全て加えて、弱火で2分炒める。
- 水切りした白インゲン豆をフードプロセッサーで攪拌する。攪拌しづらい場合は、水大さじ1/2を加えて、ペースト状になるまで攪拌する。
- (1)と(2)を大きめのボウルに移す。小麦グルテンとヴィーガンミンチを加えて、材料が全て混ざり合うまで、しっかり混ぜる。
- ソーセージ型に成型して、クッキングシートかアルミホイルで巻いて、両端をねじる。キツく巻きすぎないよう注意してください。
- 蒸し器で35分蒸す。蒸し上がったら、5分待って冷ます。冷めたら、クッキングシートを取り外す。
- そのままでも美味しいですが、フライパンで焼き色がつくまで焼いてから召し上がるのがオススメです!