An easy-to-follow recipe for homemade vegan burger buns. These buns are so soft and fluffy! And, they keep well in the freezer, so make a big batch. Always have these yummy buns on hand for your burger cravings.

Vegan Burger Buns
These delicious vegan burger buns are fairly easy to make. I guess the only hard part is the waiting. With the first and second proofing, you need a total of 2~3 hours to let the dough rise properly. So just be patient. It’s the proofing time that helps create buns that are pillowy soft, with a perfectly rounded shape! The end result will make the waiting worth it!
Useful Tips for Making Buns
Actually, these tips are useful for making any type of bread, not just burger buns. If you’ve ever had problems baking vegan bread, the following tips may be helpful.
- Kneading the dough. Kneading helps create gluten, which is what gives these buns their soft fluffy texture, so make sure you knead the dough really well. If you’re kneading by hand, these buns should be kneaded for 15 minutes. For a true beginner at kneading dough, here are some more helpful tips: How to Knead Bread Dough .
- Extra water and flour. Always have extra water and flour on hand while kneading. Depending on factors like the brand of flour you use, or the temperature and climate of where you live, the dough can be either too sticky or too dry. Add either water or flour in small increments (about 1 tbsp) to adjust the dough consistency. With these buns, the dough is on the sticky side, especially in the beginning. A properly kneaded dough will feel soft, bouncy and slightly tacky.
- The first rise. Make sure the dough DOUBLES in size during the first size. When the buns turn out dense and heavy, it usually means you didn’t give it enough time to rise properly. For best results, the dough should be placed in a WARM place and proofed for at least 60 minutes.
Hopefully these tips will help you make deliciously soft and pillowy vegan burger buns!!

Thank you for visiting my blog! If you made this recipe, or any other recipes of mine, be sure to tag me @veganesetokyo on Instagram and use the hashtag #veganesetokyo. I would love to see your creations❤️
Vegan Burger Buns
Flax Egg
- 1 tbsp flaxseed meal
- 2 tbsp water
- 3 grams dry yeast
- 100 grams lukewarm water
- 200 grams bread flour (strong flour)
- 1 tbsp cane sugar
- 1 tbsp vegan butter
- 1/2 tsp salt
- coconut oil for coating
- seeds of your choice if you prefer seeded buns
Make flax egg
- Mix flaxseed meal with water. Let it sit for 10 minutes to thicken. If it doesn't thicken enough, let it sit in the fridge for an additional 10 minutes.
- Add flax egg and all the dough ingredients in a large bowl, and mix together to create a shaggy dough.
- Transfer dough onto a clean surface. Knead the dough for about 15 minutes, or until it becomes soft and smooth, slightly tacky.
- Place the dough in a greased bowl and cover it. Keep in a warm place and let the dough rise for 60 minutes, until it's double in size. (The first rise)
- Punch the dough to deflate, and divide it into 4 pieces. Shape each piece into a ball. Place the balls on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, and gently flatten them into a bun shape.
- Cover with a towel and let it rise for 45 minutes. (The second rise)
- With 15 minutes left of the second rise, preheat the oven to 375℉/190℃.
- Lightly brush the top of buns with coconut oil, and sprinkle seeds of your choice. Bake in the oven for about 15 minutes, or until golden brown.
- Remove from oven, and allow the buns to cool completely. Slice and assemble a burger with all of the fixings of your choice. Enjoy!
- 水 大さじ2
- フラックスシード(亜麻仁)粉末 大さじ1
- ドライイースト 3g
- ぬるま湯 100g
- 強力粉 200g
- てんさい糖 大さじ1
- ヴィーガンバター 大さじ1
- 塩 小さじ1/2
- ココナッツオイル(照り用) 適量
- ごま(ごま付バンズがお好みの方は) 適量
- フラックスシードと水をよく混ぜ合わせる。とろみが出るまで10分置く。(とろみが出ない場合は、冷蔵庫でさらに10分置く)
- 大き目のボウルにフラックスエッグと生地の材料を全て加えて、混ぜる。ひとまとまりになったら、台に移して、生地が滑らかになるまで15分くらいしっかりこねる。
- 生地を丸めて油を塗ったボールにいれて、ラップをかける。一次発酵させる。(暖かい場所で60分、生地が2倍にふくらむまで)
- ガス抜きをして、生地を4個に切り分ける。丸めてクッキングシートにならべたら、軽く上から押して、バンズを成形する。タオルを掛けて、暖かい場所で二次発酵させる。(45分)
- ニ次発酵の残り時間が15分になったら、オーブンを190℃/375℉に予熱する。
- 生地の表面にハケでココナッツオイルをぬり、ゴマを付ける。オーブンで15分焼く。
- オーブンから出し、ラックの上で冷ます。完全に冷めてからスライスして、お好みの具を挟んでお召し上がりください。