Super crispy and smoky bacon made of coconut flakes!! Coconut bacon bits are a great way to add flavor to your favorite salads, soups, pastas or sandwiches.

Vegan Bacon Bits
This is a quick and easy recipe to make coconut bacon bits. They’re crunchy and smoky with a little bit of spiciness. A great topping for your favorite dishes, or on their own as a crunchy snack. I must warn you, they are quite addictive. So make a big batch! They will keep in the freezer for over a month.
Watch how easy it is to make these coconut bacon bits!
Thank you for visiting my blog! If you made this recipe, or any other recipes of mine, be sure to tag me @veganesetokyo on Instagram and use the hashtag #veganesetokyo. I would love to see your creations❤️
Coconut Bacon Bits
This is a quick and easy recipe to make coconut bacon bits. They're crunchy and smoky with a little bit of spiciness. A great topping for your favorite dishes, or on their own as a crunchy snack.
Prep Time5 minutes mins
Cook Time15 minutes mins
Total Time20 minutes mins
Course: Side Dish, Topping
Cuisine: American
Servings: 2 cups
- 2 cups coconut flakes unsweetened
- 2 tbsp soy sauce
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 1 1/2 tbsp maple syrup
- 1/2 tsp onion powder
- 1 tsp smoked paprika
- 1/3 tsp black pepper
- 1 tsp liquid smoke
- Preheat the oven to 180℃/350℉. Line baking sheet with parchment paper.
- Add all the ingredients in a bowl, and mix well. Spread the coconut flakes onto the baking sheet evenly.
- Bake for 12~15 minutes, flipping half way. Keep a close eye on them while baking, as they can burn easily.
- Once the flakes are golden brown and slightly burnt on the edges, they are done. Let them cool completely before serving. They will get even crispier as they cool. Enjoy!
Prep Time5 minutes mins
Cook Time15 minutes mins
Total Time20 minutes mins
Servings: 2 カップ
- 無糖のココナッツフレーク 2カップ
- 醤油 大さじ2
- オリーブオイル 大さじ1
- メープルシロップ 大さじ1.5
- オニオンパウダー 小さじ1/2
- スモークパプリカ 小さじ1
- コショウ 小さじ1/3
- リキッドスモーク 小さじ1 無ければスモークパプリカを小さじ1/2追加
- オーブンを180℃/350℉に予熱する。天板にクッキングシートを敷く。
- 材料を全てボウルに入れて、よく混ぜ合わせる。天板に移し、均等にやけるように、平たく広げる。
- オーブンで10〜15分焼く。間で一度オーブンから出し、混ぜる。こんがり焼き色が全体に付いたら出来上がり。
- 完全に冷ましてからお召し上がりください。冷めるとよりカリカリになります!